

Learn why it is important to report an adverse event


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Do you know who is responsible for the safety of our drug products? 

The Eurofarma Group Pharmacovigilance is the area responsible for monitoring all adverse events that may occur during the use of our products. This control is critical for maintaining the safety and efficacy of the drugs we produce and market, as it prevents and minimizes any harm to our patients' health, in addition to bringing other benefits to the treatments.

When should I contact? 

Upon the emergence of any adverse event, that is, any unforeseen or unwanted medical occurrence during the treatment, which may or may not be related to the drug. 

What adverse events should be reported? 

  • Suspected adverse reactions that are symptoms;
  • Suspected therapeutic inefficacy;
  • Medication errors, which can be defined as any unintentional error during the entire drug chain;
  • Uses other than those recommended in the package insert (off-label term);
  • Poisoning;
  • Abuse and overdose of drugs;
  • Overdose;
  • Accidental exposure;
  • Occupational exposure;
  • Lactational or gestational exposure;
  • Unexpected beneficial effects, being partial or complete improvement of some symptom that is not indicated in the drug package insert;
  • Adverse events caused by quality deviations;
  • Drug interactions; when two drugs can act on each other causing harm or effect. 

You are part of our safety:

The Eurofarma Group Pharmacovigilance evaluates each and every notification received, in order to guarantee our patients’ integrity and to monitor continuously the risk-benefit profile of our drugs. 

We are in constant communication with regulatory agencies and healthcare professionals and, through their notification on adverse events, we are able to anticipate possible health risks, influence the reasonable use of drugs, map possible updates to the package inserts of our products, and promote safety actions for the entire population.

All information received is kept confidential. We emphasize our ethical and responsible commitment to complying with regulatory and data protection requirements.

To learn more about your data protection click here.

We count on your cooperation to notify about potential adverse events that occur to you, your family or friends during or after treatment with the Eurofarma Group product. 

Learn more about the pharmacovigilance policy.

Reporting an adverse event

To report an adverse event related to one of our products, fill out the form or notify us via the telephone numbers located on this page below:

If you experience severe symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Telephone numbers for our subsidiaries:

  • Eurofarma Argentina: +54 (11) 4003-6400
  • Eurofarma Bolivia: +591 (3) 358-3924
  • Eurofarma Brazil: 0800-704-3876 (CAE)
  • Eurofarma Chile: +56 2 2483 1500
  • Eurofarma Colombia: 1 417-5466 / 018000931214
  • Eurofarma Ecuador: (593) 2 500 2855 ext 100
  • Eurofarma Guatemala e Central América: 502 6628 7800
  • Eurofarma México: +52 (1) 5586599806 ext.102
  • Eurofarma Mozambique: +258 21784918
  • Eurofarma Paraguay: +595 21 338-7421
  • Eurofarma Peru: (511) 610 3100
  • Eurofarma Uruguay: (598) 2401 5454
  • Eurofarma Venezuela: +58 414 2650329




Patient's clinical history

Adverse Effects (AE)

How to contact